Weight Loss Calculator

Summary: Weight loss calculator is used to measure your required minimum or maximum weight gain in accordance to your height and gender. Calculating your weight and matching with the ideal weight parameter gives you a clear indication of your body status such as normal, under weight or over weight. Moreover doctors suggest same height male and female different weight. Male weight should be little more than female in pounds. Weight loss calculator has its own specified formula i.e. BMI = ( Weight in Pounds  x  703 )  /  ( Height in Inches )   

Article Body: Human being daily intake food. Some gain more weight some gain less from every serving of meal. This gain weight depends upon many factors. Need of the body and quantity of intake, dietary components contained per meal, total calories consumed per day, daily routine task, job place demand etc. Some have dull routine no care about weight and calories consumed some are very conscious about their weight due to many reasons such as to keep their self fit and healthy, job place demand etc.

But there should be some proper parameter or weight loss calculator which gives you a clear indication of your weight status and body fitness. How to know about this? Doctors specify some parameters for ideal weight to keep you fit and have good health called Body Mass Index abbreviated as BMI.  Equation of Body Mass Index is as follows:

BMI = (Weight in pounds x 703) / ( Height in Inches )

Checking your weight and comparing with the Body Mass Index give you a true picture of your body status. So if you are overweight it is alarming situation. It is a call to many diseases. Be careful about your diet. Decrease your daily intake of calories. Also be more active to utilized more calories already intake. This way will decrease a rapid weight loss to reach to a target ideal weight.  

This weight loss calculator draws line for your health and fitness. Loss weight around 1 to 2 pounds per week so your body will adjust with new amount of food and will give you permanent weight loss. Sometimes a person tries to lose more weight in a hurry due to some occasions or marriage ceremony. But it has a negative impact on health and weight gain is again quick so no advantage of the effort and pain bear for quick weight loss. Sometimes quick weight loss has more adverse effects than considered such as nervous breakdown, headaches and blood pressure intolerance.

Therefore the doctor’s suggested weight loss calculator is quite pretty idea to keep your weight according to Body Mass Index. It can be only maintain with diets that enhance metabolism, reduce total amount of calories consumption and exercise. Regular exercise gives worth result than consider. This will also keep you fresh and active.

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